Craig Perkins Photographist

Areas of Service

Photographica Appraisals
Photographica Appraisals
Having been collecting Photographica for over 4 decades and having a large collection of my own.
I can appraise your photographica item and give you context to its past use - Always keen for a
chat about photography.

Natural History Photography
Natural History Photography
This area of photography is a passion of mine and have crafted images through microscopes to large animals in the wild. Both above and below water mixing my love of water with photography.

Commercial Photography
Commercial Photography
The technical challenge of commercial work is great and the ability to include my knowledge to craft the required images for you provides an area of photography for me to express my skills
in a very visual way.

Portrait Photography
Portrait Photography
People are wonderfully individual and all have the ability to be expressed as themselves in a crafted portrait. Whether it's with the family or your favorite place or toy, I can create a portrait that you
will be proud of.

Fine Art Photography
Fine Art Photography
I love to create an image that shows a fragment of the world in a way that utilises light and shadow to create an emotion that can be hung on the wall - this is what photography is about.

Landscape Photography
Landscape Photography
The time of day, the quality of light, the choice of viewpoint all add to the mix of a landscape image in this beautiful country of ours. Crafting a landscape image takes time and patience for it to be worthy of being hung of a wall.